Abir Ali
Board Chair + Development Lead

Abir is a trained architect and multi-disciplinary designer. She is a native Detroiter whose parents immigrated from Pakistan and Lebanon. Abir is an advocate for elevating women and people of color in art, design, and craft. She lives in Detroit with her son and is obsessed with big tables filled with people.


Salma Ali
Board Treasurer

Salma was born and raised in Detroit, MI in the Banglatown community. She was previously the program coordinator at Women of Banglatown, and enjoys creating and connecting with the girls and young women of the WOB community. Salma currently lives in North Carolina while pursuing graduate study in Maternal, Child, & Family Health.

Ali Lapetina
Board Secretary + Executive Director

Ali is the founder and Executive Director of Women of Banglatown. She was raised in New Jersey and moved to Detroit to attend the College for Creative Studies. She is dedicated to growing arts programming and opportunities for girls and young women. Ali is a mom to twin boys and lives in Detroit with her husband.

Contact: hello@womenofbanglatown.com